The Havnfed House

播放:1173次      时间:2013-12-17

歌词:The ghost in the house goes,"Boo!Boo!Boo!"
The ghost in the house goes,"Boo!Boo!Boo!"
On Halloween.
The steps in the house go,"Creak,creak,creak,"
The steps in the house go,"Creak,creak,creak,"
On Halloween.
The cats in the house go,"Meow,meow,meow,"
The cats in the house go,"Meow,meow,meow,"
On Halloween.
The mice in the house go,"Squeak,squeak,squeak,"
The mice in the house go,"Squeak,squeak,squeak,"
On Halloween.
The people in the house go,"Eek,eek,eek,"
The people in the house go,"Eek,eek,eek,"
On Halloween.
