
播放:1412次      时间:2015-03-25

歌词:You're late again! You're late again!
You got up late today again!
You go to bed at twdlve o'clock!
You get up late every morning!
You should go to bed early! I'm sorry!
I'm late again! I'm late again!
I got up late today again!
I go to bed at twelve o'clock!
I get up late every morning!
I should go to bed early! I'm sorry!
He's late again!
He got up late today again!
He goes to bed at twelve o'clock!
He gets up late every morning!
He should go to bed early! I'm sorry!
She's late again!
She got up late today again!
She goes to bed at twelve o'clock!
She gets up late every morning!
She should go to bed early! I'm sorry!
